Thursday, December 24, 2015

“Easy Fresh Fruit Cake (With tips, do’s & don’ts)”

“Easy Fresh Fruit Cake (With tips, do’s & don’ts)” Recipe

Recipe Type: Dessert | Recipe Cuisine: Continental
Preparation Time: 30 mins | Cooking time: 25-30 mins  | serves: 3


Fruits Ingredients:
7-8 pieces of Strawberry
9-10 pieces of kiwi
5-6 pineapple (optional)
2-3 cherry (optional)
2-3 pieces of orange slices (optional)
1-2 teaspoon of finely chopped dry fruits

Cake Ingredients:
1 cup maida (all-purpose flour)-250g
1 cup powder sugar
4 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3-4 teaspoon dry fruits (finely chopped)
150 gm un-salted butter(at room tem)
1 teaspoon  vanilla essence
Milk(as needed)

Buttercream Ingredients:
200 g amul butter(at room tem)
½ cup icing powder sugar(sifted ,very fine)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon milk
5-6 teaspoon whipped cream(optional)

Kitchen utensils required:

  • 1 Spatula (I prefer: PINDIA Wooden Curved Spoons)
  • 10 bowls (I prefer: Borosil Mixing Bowl)
  • 1 cooker (I prefer: Prestige Popular Aluminum Pressure Cooker, 3 Liters)
  • 1 Microwave ( I prefer: IFB 25DGSC1 25-Litre 1400-Watt Convection Microwave Oven )
  •  1 Electric hand blender (I prefer: Orpat OHM 207 Hand Blender)
  • 1 Silicone Spatula (I prefer: Rena Germany-Combo-Silicon Spatula)
  • 1 wire stand
  •  1 sheet of butter paper

Step by step procedure:

Prepare sponge cake

Step-1 Take bowl and add egg white into the bowl. 
Step-2 Now beat egg white with electric beater up to 10 minutes until you get ribbon stage of egg.
Step-3 With the same electric beater beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy stage.
Step-4 Now transfer this into beaten egg having ribbon stage. Fold everything very well.

Step-5 Take another bowl, sift maida, baking powder, baking soda. Add few finely chopped dry fruits. Fold them very well into the finally prepared mix of step-4.Add milk if needed to make it easily spoon dropping consistency (not runny).
Step-6 Take baking tin, grease it with oil and put butter paper at bottom. Sprinkle some all-purpose flour on the butter paper and other sides of baking tin.
Step-7 Now transfer the mix into that baking tin.

If using cooker to bake:
Step-8 Preheat cooker
Heat cooker and add salt, wire rack into the cooker. Now cover the cooker with lid (without weasel) and let it preheat for 5 minutes on medium flame.

Step-9 Now put baking tin into the cooker and close the cooker with lid. Let it cook it for 40-50 minutes on low flame. When cooked take it out carefully, without burning your hand. Let it cool first and then take it out on a plate.

If using Microwave to bake:
Step-8  Preheat microwave at 180 degree.
Step-9 When done than put cake tin inside the microwave and bake it for atleast 25 mins at 180 degree.

Tips, do’s & don’ts:

  • Use 0 and 1 speed of electric beater.
  • Before making sponge cake, make sure that all ingredients (egg, butter etc) are at room temperature.
  • Always try to use same weight of egg, salted butter and all-purpose flour.
  • Always beat egg white up to its ribbon stage for sponge cake.
  • Always beat butter till light and fluffy (with hand mixer it will take 6-7 mins).
  • Always grease the tin and put butter paper otherwise cake can burn.
  • Always preheat cooker and add salt in it.
  • Always try to bake your cake on middle rack in microwave.
  • Don’t open the door of microwave before 20 min of baking, otherwise due to temperature change(attack) cake will shrink in middle.
  • Let the cake bake at least upto 25 mins, then open the door and check it with toothpick and if needed then again bake it till golden & well raise cake.
  • Always let the cake rest in the tin for 10 mins and then cut the sides with knife and put the flat side down on wire rack until completely cooled down.

Prepare White Buttercream
Take deep bowl now add butter (at room tem), very fine sugar (icing sugar),milk, vanilla essence. Use electric hand beater or whisk it till u get nice light and fluffy cream. Now add Whipped cream and again beat it for 1-2 mins. White buttercream is ready for the cake.

Prepare Fresh Fruits Cake
Step-1 When your sponge cake is cooled down then cut it into two or three parts horizontally.
Step-2 Now apply sugar syrup on upper surface of all the parts.
Step-3 Take 1 spoon of butter cream and apply it on cake stand (If u don’t have cake stand use big size plate on any heavy bowl). Now put cake’s 3rd part on cake stand. To the same part nicely apply lots of butter cream.
Step-4 Now take cake’s second part and put it on the 3rd part on which you have applied buttercream.
Step-5 Now nicely apply lots of butter cream on cake 2nd part. 
Step-6 Now take 1st part and put it on 2nd part. Now apply nicely buttercream on the first part.
Step-7 Take lots of  buttercream and apply it at all sides to cover all sides of the cake by just rotating it gently.
Time to decorate the cake
Transfer your cake on aluminum plate or any plate. You can decorate cake with your choice. In this cake decorate it by lots of fresh fruits and then put lots of grated dry fruits. Can decorate cake using piping bag with star nozzle and put lots of cream in that bag, decorate the top of the cake with cream. You can also prepare chocolate cream or any other flavor cream and then decorate it. 

Tips, do’s & don’ts:

  •  Don’t whisk the cream for very long time.
  • Use the buttercream immediately when prepared. 
  • Always use fresh fruits for this cake.

       "Do you have any questions?"
     Please leave a comment below with any questions. Thank you!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"Easy Chocolate Ganache Cake"

"Easy Chocolate Ganache Cake"(Egg-less , Microwave mode) Recipe

Recipe Type: Dessert | Recipe Cuisine: Continental
Preparation Time: 20 mins | Cooking time: 10 mins   | serves: 2-3

Chocolate Cake is an all time kid's favorite time-pass. Every flavor in which cake could be possibly made just tastes perfect . Kids can have it every day, without fail. So why not to make it in home, freshly prepared and easy recipe, in much hygienic manner. Making cake is always not as easy as eating cakes :-) It needs lot of trial to get perfect balance between quantity, temperature, and ingredients. Sometimes your cake will burn, sometime u will get an over-baked one (which spoils the sponginess of cake), or sometime it will be under-cooked (not cook from inside)...I do not want to scare you but all I wanna say that you have to be little conscious and alert while preparing this recipe... if you are prepared to take this challenge then have a look on the recipe of simple and tasty chocolate ganache cake. Here for my cake I have also made chocolate buttercream for the cake. Let’s prepare everything one by one….


1 sheet of butter paper
1 microwave safe cake container
Cake stand or any plate on the bowl (to put cake on it)

Chocolate Cake Ingredients:
1 cup maida (all-purpose flour)
1 cup milk
1 cup powder sugar
3 teaspoon oil or butter
½ cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon  vanilla essence
Chocolate buttercream Ingredients:
100 g amul butter(at room tem)
¼ cup cocoa powder
½ cup icing powder sugar(sifted, very fine)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon milk
½ teaspoon chocolate syrup(for rich flavor)


Chocolate Ganche Ingredients:
200 ml amul whipped cream (at room tem)
2oo gm. dark chocolate(chopped)
1 teaspoon butter(for more shining)

Step by step procedure:

Prepare chocolate sponge cake (in 5 mins)

Step-1 Take bowl, add milk and powder sugar into the bowl. Mix them very well.

Step-2 Now in another bowl add maida, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda. Mix them very well and transfer it into milk and sugar bowl. Mix them well.

Step-3 Now add vanilla essence, oil  into that bowl. Mix everything well.

Step-4 Now add lemon juice (to make sponge) into the mix and don’t mix it too much. Just cut and fold it once or twice.

Step-5 Take microwave safe container, grease it with oil and put butter paper at bottom (grease it too).

Step-6 Now transfer the mix into that container.

Step-7 Put the container at microwave mode and set time for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes take it out of microwave and let it cool for 5 minutes.

Prepare chocolate ganache for cake

Step-1 Take bowl add chopped dark chocolate into it.

Step-2 Now put butter and whipped cream into the pan and bring it to boil on low flame. Before it reaches to boiling point switch off the flame immediately and transfer it to the chocolate bowl. Now immediately cover the bowl with lid. Let it rest for 5 mins.

Step-3 After 5 mins, whisk it so that chocolate and cream mix properly. Chocolate ganache is ready. As time passes ganache will become harder. so whisk it in between.

Prepare chocolate buttercream for cake
Take deep bowl now add butter (at room tem), very fine sifted sugar (icing sugar), milk, vanilla essence and cocoa powder. Use electric hand blender and  whisk it till u get nice light and fluffy cream. Now add chocolate syrup and mix it. Chocolate buttercream is ready for the cake.

Prepare Chocolate Ganache Cake

Step-1 When your chocolate sponge cake is cooled down then cut it into two or three parts horizontally.

Step-2 Now apply sugar syrup on upper surface of all the parts.
Step-3 Take 1 spoon of  butter-cream and apply it on cake stand. Now put cake’s 3rd part on cake stand. To the same part nicely apply lots of butter cream.
Step-4 Now take cake’s second part and put it on the 3rd part on which you have applied buttercream. 
Step-5 Now nicely apply lots of  chocolate butter cream on cake 2nd part. 

Step-6 Now take 1st part and put it on 2nd part. 

Step-7 Now on the upper surface its time to pour liquid shiny chocolate ganache if needed spread ganache with spoon. Ganache will itself cover all the parts of cake. Now need to apply buttercream now. 

Step-8 Put the cake in freeze for 10 mins so that ganache will set very well on the cake.
Time to decorate the cake

Take out cake from the freeze and put your cake on a steel plate, use heavy bowl as a stand. You can decorate cake with your choice. In this cake decorate it by chocolate syrup and then put lots of grated dark chocolate and white chocolate or chocolate bolls or colored chocolate bolls.(for extra flavor and look).You can also take piping bag with star nozzle and put lots of butter cream in that bag and decorate the top of the cake with chocolate cream. Enjoy…. Happy eating


·        Always grease the container and put butter paper otherwise cake can burn.
·        Before using the sponge cake for icing, make sure that cake is completely cooled down.
·        Use shifted and very fine sugar powder for making buttercream.
·        While pouring chocolate ganache on the cake, put butter paper below the cake so the excess of ganache can be used again.

         "Do you have any questions?"
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