Monday, December 5, 2016

“Amazing Chocolate Brownie-One Bowl Baking” (with All possible tips, do’s & don’ts) Recipe

“Amazing Chocolate Brownie-One Bowl Baking” (with All possible tips, do’s & don’ts) Recipe

Recipe Cuisine:Continental  | Recipe Category: Dessert
Prep Time: 5-6 mins    | Cook time: 30-40 mins     | Serves: 3-4


1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 ½ cup powder sugar
60 gms (½ stick) Unsalted Butter (fresh & at room tem)
3 eggs (fresh & at room temp)
4 ounces (125gms) semi sweeten Baking Chocolate
1/4 cup cocoa powder
¼ teaspoon salt(skip it, if using salted butter)

½ teaspoon Baking powder (add only If looking for Cakey brownie texture & skip adding baking powder if want to make chewy fudgy brownie)

Step by step procedure:

Step-1 In a big glass bowl, add soften Butter (at room tem, if not at room tem then microwave it for 30 sec) then add powdered sugar.

Step-2 Now Wisk both till light & fluffy.

Step-3 Add baking chocolate (semi sweet, cocoa 70-90%)

Step-4 Microwave bowl for 30 sec or more till it melt.

Step-5 Whisk it well.

Step-6 Now add eggs one by one.

Step-7 Now add cocoa powder (for extra rich color of brownie)

Step-8 Now whisk all very gently.

Step- 9 With all purpose flour add baking powder.

Step-10 Sift both(this helps to combine them evenly)

Step-11 Now add dry ings with wet ings & fold them very gently.

Step-12 Preheat microwave at 180C / 350F

Step-13 Pour the brownie batter into the baking tin(first, put the baking parchment  paper around the bottom & sides)

Step-14 Bake  it for 35-40 mins.

Step-15 Let it rest for 15 mins. Cut the brownie into desired

Enjoy it as it is or pour rich creamy chocolate ganache on each


                                             Easy chocolate ganache Recipe...
                                                 COMING SOON :-)


1-Before making  Browine, make sure that all ingredients (including egg, butter etc) are at room temperature.

2-Don’t use very very soft butter or liquidly butter.

3- Always add eggs one by one.

4- Use Fresh eggs, fresh butter(not too old), good quality of baking chocolate(semi sweeten), good quality of cocoa powder.

5- Role of eggs:
§  In cakes & brownie, eggs leavening and moisture.
§  In cookies egg plays binding

6-Use fresh eggs in your brownie recipe because fresh eggs are more acidic than old.

7-What type of butter is required in brownie recipe?: As unsalted butter has less water content than of salted butter so when unsalted butter will be creamed with beater then it will more form stable structure rather than salted butter, so prefer to  use unsalted butter to maintain airy pockets by creaming it.

8- Always mix the ingredients on low speed so that air pocket created will not destroy (by hand whisk or by beater)

9-How to soften the butter before its use in a cake or brownie recipe: Don’t soft butter in a microwave as it will destroy the emulsion, which will affect creaming of butter, hence always take out butter from the freeze and just cut into few pieces and put for some time at room temperature.

10-Be accurate with weight and ingredients used in brownie recipe
I)                  If you add more amount of baking powder then your brownie will not rise more.
II)               Yes, you can always sift all dry ingredients as many times (3 times is good) to create more and more air pockets.

11- Always while adding dry ingredients into wet ingredients, first add large amount of dry ingredients because once the liquid is added then avoid over mixing in order to limit gluten formation.


12-Once the brownie batter is prepared in a baking tin, put it immediately in a microwave because the rising agents will start working when added with wet ingredients (while folding they start their work so put it immediately).

13- Put the brownie batter tin always on the correct self in a convection mode. Always go to middle rack (for equal baking).

14-Make sure not to over bake the brownie in microwave it is one of the reason of getting dry brownie.

15-Don’t over fill your baking tin with  batter otherwise while baking time brownie will rise and come out of the tin and fall all around in oven.

16-Always smooth the top of batter (using spatula) in a baking tin before baking it and make sure to tap the tin for at-least 3 to 4 times so that if any air left will be gone.

17- Best oven temperature to bake brownie is ‘350 degrees Fahrenheit (350°F = 180°C).

18-If using cooker to bake your cake & brownie then, before baking it make sure to preheat cooker and add salt in it(so that brownie  is evenly cooked and not burn from bottom heat of cooker).

19-Don’t open the door of microwave before 20 min of baking, otherwise due to temperature change (attack) brownie will shrink in middle.

20-Let the brownie bake at least upto 30 mins, then open the door and check it with toothpick and if needed then again bake it till golden & perfect brownie.

21-Always let the  brownie  rest in the tin for 10 mins and then cut the sides with knife and put the flat side down on wire rack until completely cooled down.

  "Do you have any questions?"
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