Saturday, May 21, 2016

Eggless-BUTTER CAKE(with all possible Tips,do's& don'ts)

Eggless-BUTTER CAKE Recipe

Recipe Type: Dessert | Recipe Cuisine: Continental
Preparation Time: 5-8 mins  | Baking time: 30-35 mins   | serves: 2-3

Butter Cake is an all time kid's favorite time-pass. Kids can have it every day, without fail. So why not to make it in home, freshly baked and in much hygienic manner. Baking cake is not as easy as eating cakes :-) It needs lot of trial to get perfect balance between quantity, temperature, and ingredients. Sometimes your cake will burn, sometime u will get an over-baked one (which spoils the sponginess and softness of cake) or sometime it will be under-cooked (not cook from inside)...I do not want to scare you but all I wanna say that you have to be little conscious and alert while preparing this recipe... if you are prepared to take this challenge then have a look on the recipe. But before u read this recipe, I suggest u to have a look on my previous article, which will help you to enhance your knowledge related to what,why,how  type questions of preparing perfect cake. You can get answer related to all questions of baking cake…
So friends Plz first read the article “Golden Rules to bake a Perfect Cake (from its ingredients to its Baking)” and use it for sure. 

Now here is the recipe for eggless- butter cake


Cake Ingredients:
11/2 cup maida (all-purpose flour)-250g
2 large teaspoon powder sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
100 gm unsalted butter
¼ cup condensed milk
2 tablespoon powder sugar
1 teaspoon  vanilla essence
Milk(lil hot, use as required)

Kitchen utensils required:

  • 10 bowls,1 large bowl
  • 1 cake tin
  • 1 cooker(if using cooker to bake)
  • 1 Microwave(with convection mode)
  •  1 Electric hand beater or hand balloon whisk
  • 1 Silicone Spatula or wooden spatula
  • 1 wire stand
  •  1 sheet of butter paper

Step by step procedure:

Prepare Butter Cake


Take bowl and add unsalted butter into it, beat it atleast for 2 mins so that it get lil aerate. Now add powder sugar into it and beat it foe2-3 mins at low speed to aerate both sugar and butter together. Low speed is important to maintain that air bubble. Now add condensed milk and real vanilla essence into it and beat it again on low speed up to 3-4 mins until it become light and fluffy.  Don’t over beat it.


Take another bowl, sift maida, baking powder, milk powder, baking soda atleast 3 times for proper aeration. Meanwhile grease line and flour your cake tin

Step-3 Now add this dry ingredients lil by lil into fluffy butter prepared in step-1. Add milk as required. Now just cut and fold all the things together (don’t mix it or beat it). Make the cake batter soft dropping consistency.

Step-4 Take baking tin, now transfer the mix into that baking tin. Level it with spatula for equal baking then tap the tin 3-4 times.

Step-5 Preheat cooker (if using cooker to bake)

Heat cooker and add salt, wire rack into the cooker. Now cover the cooker with lid (without weasel) and let it preheat for 5 minutes on medium flame.
Now put baking tin into the cooker and close the cooker with lid. Let it cook it for 40-50 minutes on low flame. When cooked take it out carefully, without burning your hand. Let it cool first and then take it out on a plate.


Step-5 Preheat Microwave at 180 degree (if using microwave to bake)

When done than put cake tin inside the microwave and bake it for atleast 30-35  mins at 180 degree.
Now take it out of microwave and let the cake rest in the tin for 10 mins and then cut the sides with knife and put the flat side down on wire rack until completely cooled down.

You can either enjoy this cake as it is or frost the cake with buttercream or with whipping cream and then decorate it. Enjoyyy :-)


  • Use 0 and 1 speed of electric blender.

·         Once the cake batter is prepared in a cake tin, put it immediately in a microwave because the rising agents will start working when added with wet ingredients (while folding they start their work so put it immediately).

·         Put the cake always on the correct self in a convection mode. Always go to middle rack (for equal baking).

·         Make sure not to over bake the cake in microwave it is one of the reason of getting dry cake.

·         Always grease, flour and line your cake tin before pouring cake batter into it, otherwise after cake is done it will be very hard to take out  the prepared cake (as cake can stick at bottom & at sides) with knife

·         Don’t over fill your cake tin with cake batter otherwise while baking time cake will rise and come out of the tin and fall all around in oven.

·         Always smooth the top of batter (using spatula) in a cake tin before baking it and make sure to tap the tin for at-least 3 to 4 times so that if any air left will be gone.

·         Several major reasons of cake sink in middle are over mixing in cake batter, oven is too hot or too cold, and batter is too thick. Or door of open before 20 mins of baking. Also sometimes you didn’t get flat top in your baked cake, it is due to less moisture in your cake.To maintain that moisture, take some(5-6) pieces of ice-cubes and put them in another tin(any-prefer to use baking tin) now put that tin(for 1-2 mins)  into the oven just before going to put your cake batter tin inside the oven to bake. By doing so ice cubes will maintain the moisture and so cake will cook evenly with flat top. 

·          Best oven temperature to bake cake is 325 degrees Fahrenheit (325°F = 162.778°C).

·         For convection mode it is best to use any type of cake tin not so thin not so thick i.e like you can go for aluminum tin or steel tin or any nonstick cake tin because they will bake your cake evenly from all sides. But if you will use glass utensils (they are very thick layered, especially from bottom side) then your cake will not backed from bottom side.

·         If using cooker to bake your cake then, before baking it make sure to preheat cooker and add salt in it(so that cake is evenly cooked and not burn from bottom heat of cooker).

·         Don’t open the door of microwave before 20 min of baking, otherwise due to temperature change (attack) cake will shrink in middle.

·         Let the cake bake at least upto 25 mins, then open the door and check it with toothpick and if needed then again bake it till golden & well raise cake.

·         Always let the cake rest in the tin for 10 mins and then cut the sides with knife and put the flat side down on wire rack until completely cooled down.

                "Do you have any questions?"
        Please leave a comment below with any questions. Thank you!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Golden Rules to bake a Perfect Cake (from its Ingredients to its Baking)

Golden Rules to bake a Perfect Cake (from its Ingredients to its Baking)

All About Cake Science -Let’s know it before making any cake recipe

Going to bake Cake at Home :-) before making any kind of Cake…plz have a look on the following information and use it for sure.
Any Cake is best baked if preparation was with some logics and calculations. Every Baker’s knows that Baking of a cake is “SCIENCE” and Decoration of Cake is an “ART”.

Let’s have a look on Science behind Cake:
In general u call any cake by knowing flavor used in the cake..for example..Chocolate cake, vanilla cake, strawberry cake, carrot cake..etc etc. But science says that there are

 Two basic Types of cake:      

1-Butter Cake (oil cake)
This is called so because, such type of cake is prepared using some kind of fats (oil or butter) or by using shortening. In such type of cakes air is incorporated by creaming fat used in the recipe. Like creaming butter and sugar together. In such cakes baking powder is used to leaven them and make them rise while baking. Then the dry & wet ingredients are added alternately. This results in light and airy cake but not so much light as we get in our sponge cake.(For more details, read the ‘NOTE’ Section below).

2- Sponge Cake (Foam Cake)
In this type of cake generally no fats are used and so no need of baking powder (to leaven them) is required in such type of cakes.  In such type of cake eggs or egg white is used to create volume in the cake by whipping eggs. Aeration of those eggs helps the cake to expand while baking the cake and hence cake rises well (without use of baking powder). Such type of cakes are more light and have spongy texture hence called sponge cake.(For more details, do’s &don’ts with sponge cake read the ‘NOTE’ Section below).

Difference between Butter cake and Sponge Cake:

Butter Cake has more Flavor & Moisture. Not much light cake (Want to know why..Read NOTE section)

Sponge Cake are more light airy with sponge texture. (Want to know why..Read NOTE section)

There are always three points to keep in mind as a ‘key factor’ for successful baking:
1- Exact measurements of all INGREDIENTS.
2- Whipping the Eggs or Egg white until done thick.
3- Not mixing the batter too much.

Even though now you know about types of cakes. If you don’t know all the calculations about Ingredients used in your cake recipes then your cake is not going to be good baked :-(

Also, those who bake good cakes they have three formulas in their mind before going for any cake recipe.

Have a look..

FORMULA 1:     Sugar= Flour

Amount(weight) of sugar you are going to use for cake recipe should be always either equal to or lil bit less than amount of flour(any) used in that recipe.
By weight calculations (NOT volume) we get to know that 1 cup of sugar needs 1 ½ cups of flour (remember before baking)

FORMULA 2:      
                          Or say
                     Eggs= butter

The egg weight should be always same or lil bit more as that of fat using (if using).
But you will say that it’s hard to balance this..Our calculations says that..1+3 egg yolks use will balance 3 ¾ ounces of butter.
FORMULA 3:     Eggs + Liquid=Sugar

In short, amount (weight) of sugar using in the cake recipe should be equal to liquid including eggs. For example if you are using 5 ounce of sugar in your recipe and using 3 ounce of eggs then you will adjust liquid by adding some extra  liquid(may be warm milk or buttermilk etc)
If you have gone through these rules then follow Few NOTES given below (don’t skip it) for perfect cake recipe..I can’t write all these tips which is given below (..too long) in my any cake recipe so here I am writing as a separate post..Everything I am writing is to help my all those friends going to bake any cake recipe :-)

Friends, It is my long time experience with baking that today I am sharing with you all..Hope this will be helpful to you..Here I am giving all possible things (if any point not written, I will update it latter) you can learn and do before going to bake any type of cake..

Here you go….



1-Before making sponge cake, make sure that all ingredients (including egg, butter etc) are at fresh and at room temperature.

2-For eggless cakes Replace 2 eggs (to play role of leavener) with- 1 teaspoon Baking powder + 1 teaspoon water + 1teaspoon vinegar.
Tips: By measurements    1 tablespoon is equivalent to 3 teaspoons (1tb sp=3tsp) & 1 Cup=16 tablespoons (tb sp).

3-Any type of flour is named based on its protein contents
There are basically 3 types of flour:
i)                   All purpose flour: It is named as all purpose flour because it is mostly used in all types of baking products.
ii)                Cake flour: It is made using all purpose flour and corn flour..In most of cake recipe, cake flour is used because it gives more delicate texture.
iii)              Self rising flour: As the name says it have self rising property because baking powder and salt are mixed with it. This type of flour have very less shelf life due to baking powder(B.P lost its strength after sometime) in this flour. Hence all the baked cake using self rising flour have very stay in comparison to other cakes using other flours.

4-Role of Baking Powder in the cake Recipe: Baking powder is leaving agent (enlarging the bubbles created by aeration process either creaming the butter &sugar or foaming eggs) made of by using baking soda only. Baking soda is mixed with lil bit of acid and 
 some corn starch which results in Baking powder.

5-Role of sugar (in any baked product) in the cake Recipe: Sugar provides sweetness and brown texture to the cake.

6-Role of sour cream in cake recipe: It is acidic in nature so it activates the leavening agents used in the cake recipe.

7- Role of Butter in the cake Recipe: Butter is used for many purposes in the cake. Creaming butter is to aerate the cake. Using butter in the cake results in moist & tender cake. You can replace butter with shortening.

8- Role of condense milk in the cake recipe: It turns a golden color and takes on a caramel like flavor when heated.

9-  Role of Milk in the cake Recipe:If more moisture is required for any cake then use full fat milk(fat give more moisture) and if already using butter like fat in the recipe then use low fat that amount of fat using in the recipe is balanced.

10-Always make sure that leaving agents like baking soda and baking powder are fresh used otherwise they will not work in cake rise.

11-Role of Buttermilk in the cake Recipe: Butter milk act like key for any cake Recipe..Because of it creates acid and acid is ingredient for success in any cake. Acid helps Baking powder as well as Baking soda to actively work in your cake recipe. You can make buttermilk in your home by just adding 1 teaspoon of Lemon juice or vinegar with 1 cup of any type of milk…plz let this mixture rest for few mins (appox 5) before using it in any cake recipe.

12- Using oil is much better than using butter, 7-8 Cups of oil =1 cup of butter.

13-Role of vinegar and lemon in cake recipe: As acid is key to success for any cake recipe and lemon and vinegar both creates acid(to help baking powder and baking soda to act as leaving agent)so they are preferred in cake recipes. You can either use soda water, yogurt, buttermilk,sour cream etc.

14-Don’t add too much sugar, adding more sugar can cause dark crust and less sugar will cause too light crust.

15- Role of Baking Soda in the cake recipe: Baking soda is a chemical leavener which produces carbon dioxide when it comes in contact with any acid ingredient such as buttermilk or lemon or vinegar.

16- If in any cake recipe you are not using any acid ingredients like buttermilk or lemon, then you can use Baking powder(as it contain acidic agent) along with using baking soda in the cake recipe.
Tips:  If you use both baking powder and any acid ingredient (lemon or vinegar or thick yogurt) in the cake recipe then your cake will be well baked and have good rise.

17-Don’t use very very soft butter or liquidy butter, it will result to lose the air bubbles.

18- Role of eggs:

  •   In cakes eggs leavening and moisture.

  •  In cookies egg plays binding

19-Use fresh eggs in your cake recipe because fresh eggs are more acidic than old eggs.


20-Sometime Cakes are prepared by using all in one method. I.e put all dry ingredients in one bowl and all wet ingredients in another then mix one by one alternatively. In such case rising agents are only Baking soda and Baking powder. Such cakes are not much light and airy.

21-Always beat eggs or egg white to stiff peak i.e peak should not move and stay in their shape.

22-Always first add more amounts of dry ingredients then add wet ingredients and so on.

23-Tips: Adding pinch of salt will give nice flavor to the baked cake.

24-If you are not creaming fat used in your cake recipe then fat will not aerate.

25- Before beating eggs or egg whites in a bowl make sure that there is no oily contain in the bowl and bowl is well cleaned because if there will be any oily content then it will spoil the egg foam created after beating.

26- If cake batter is too tight then baked cake will be too hard.

27-While creaming butter (fat) with sugar, sugar also adds more air pockets. Hence Baking powder and baking soda helps them to expand while baking.

28-A soft dropping consistency of cake batter (in many type of cake recipes) is must for good moist cake.

29- Once all the wet and dry ingredients are added then don’t over mix it.

30-Add warm milk(not hot)  to adjust the cake consistency to get soft dropping consistency.

31-Use 0 and 1 speed(low speed) of electric beater.

32-Adding too much Flour will cause cracked top on the baked cake.

33-Many time’s added solid chunks such as tutti frutti or any dry fruits sink at the bottom of the cake in a baked cake; it is because your batter was too runny and not capable to hold those solid things. What you can do is mix 1-2 teaspoon(depend on quantity of solid chunks) of dry flour(all-purpose flour or any of  flour that you are using in your recipe). Then add the mixture into the prepared batter.

34-What type of butter is required in cake recipe?: As unsalted butter has less water content than of salted butter so when unsalted butter will be creamed with beater then it will more form stable structure rather than salted butter, so prefer to  use unsalted butter to maintain airy pockets by creaming it.

35- Always mix the ingredients on low speed so that air pocket created will not destroy (by hand whisk or by beater)

36-How to soften the butter before its use in a cake recipe: Don’t soft butter in a microwave as it will destroy the emulsion, which will affect creaming of butter, hence always take out butter from the freeze and just cut into few pieces and put for some time at room temperature.

37-Folding is done just to mix two things together without loss of airy bubbles. If you don’t take care of it then you will result in hard cake.

38-Always beat butter till light and fluffy (with hand mixer it will take 6-7 mins).

39-Now make sure that you always choose any good cake recipe. Is it easy to understand if u has gone through this article :-)

40-If a batter is too runny then it will take too long time to bake and also not cooked properly.

41-Be accurate with weight and ingredients used in cake recipe
I)                  If you add more amount of baking powder then your cake will not rise more.
II)               Yes, you can always sift all dry ingredients as many times (3 times is good) to create more and more air pockets.

42- Always while adding dry ingredients into wet ingredients, first add large amount of dry ingredients because once the liquid is added then avoid over mixing in order to limit gluten formation.

43-Always beat egg white up to its ribbon stage for sponge cake.

44-If you will not incorporate air either by creaming butter and sugar or by sifting the dry flour then you will result a heavy cake. Also make sure that after adding all ingredients together in a bowl, don’t mix them together, just cut and fold them. Use a steel spoon (preferred or use silicon spatula)for folding it.

45-Eggs whip best when they are either at room temperature or when lil hot.

46- If you will mix all the ingredients together then air pockets will be gone and will result in heavy cake.


47-Once the cake batter is prepared in a cake tin, put it immediately in a microwave because the rising agents will start working when added with wet ingredients (while folding they start their work so put it immediately).

48- Put the cake always on the correct self in a convection mode. Always go to middle rack (for equal baking).

49-Make sure not to over bake the cake in microwave it is one of the reason of getting dry cake.

50-Always grease, flour and line your cake tin before pouring cake batter into it, otherwise after cake is done it will be very hard to take out  the prepared cake (as cake can stick at bottom & at sides) with knife

51-Don’t over fill your cake tin with cake batter otherwise while baking time cake will rise and come out of the tin and fall all around in oven.

52-Always smooth the top of batter (using spatula) in a cake tin before baking it and make sure to tap the tin for at-least 3 to 4 times so that if any air left will be gone.

53-Several major reasons of cake sink in middle are over mixing in cake batter, oven is too hot or too cold, and batter is too thick. Or door of open before 20 mins of baking. Also sometimes you didn’t get flat top in your baked cake, it is due to less moisture in your cake.To maintain that moisture, take some(5-6) pieces of ice-cubes and put them in another tin(any-prefer to use baking tin) now put that tin(for 1-2 mins)  into the oven just before going to put your cake batter tin inside the oven to bake. By doing so ice cubes will maintain the moisture and so cake will cook evenly with flat top. 

54- Best oven temperature to bake cake is 325 degrees Fahrenheit (325°F = 162.778°C).

55- Most of the time it is said to bake your cake in Convection mode of your microwave and not to go at micro mode of the microwave, it is because technically convection mode is made for baking  purpose but micro mode(for cooking) is not designed for baking purpose and not good for baking purpose (high temp, cook fast, cake will be uncooked from inside).It will only help to cook your cake but not give it a brown crust. If you don’t need brown crust(like sometimes in case of chocolate cakes) then go to micro mode, but best way to bake cake is using convection mode.

56- For convection mode it is best to use any type of cake tin not so thin not so thick i.e like you can go for aluminum tin or steel tin or any nonstick cake tin because they will bake your cake evenly from all sides. But if you will use glass utensils (they are very thick layered, especially from bottom side) then your cake will not backed from bottom side.

57-If using cooker to bake your cake then, before baking it make sure to preheat cooker and add salt in it(so that cake is evenly cooked and not burn from bottom heat of cooker).

58-Don’t open the door of microwave before 20 min of baking, otherwise due to temperature change (attack) cake will shrink in middle.

59-Let the cake bake at least upto 25 mins, then open the door and check it with toothpick and if needed then again bake it till golden & well raise cake.

60-Always let the cake rest in the tin for 10 mins and then cut the sides with knife and put the flat side down on wire rack until completely cooled down.

Ooo..I am just tired today writing here all these possible things..but very very happy too to share my experience..but now its ur turn dear friends..all I want is just tell me how was my article. Was it helpful to you?..plz let me know :-)

                                         THANKYOU..Happee Baking!!